Ottoman Empire Sultan Osman Gazi - (Full Real History)

Ottoman Sultan Osman Gazi Full Real History

Hello Friends! Welcome to A golden age of history that is beautifully recorded in the pages of history. How did it really start? The great man who lit the sun of the Ottoman Empire and started a revolution in the Muslim world. Great Osman Gazi left such an impression on history. 

Which will be remembered forever. During this period the Ottomans succeeded in creating such a state. Who later ruled for six hundred years. Ottoman Empire was named after Osman Ghazi. Its founder is, in fact, the same hero whom history knows as Osman Ghazi. Earlier, we made two detailed videos on the history of Orhan Ghazi. After which the fans insisted a lot. 

That they are interested to know about the personality who is the founder of this high state. So in today's article, we are going to tell you in full detail about Osman Ghazi. First of all, there is a slight difference in the name of Osman Ghazi. Because some historians have written it as Uthman. Which is an Arabic word. And in Turkey, it is written, Osman. The Arab scholars Shihab al-Umari and Ibn Khaldun called it Othman. While Ibn Battuta called him Osmancık in his book. 

According Turkish history, it is mostly read and written by Osman all over the world. Now start the golden story of this great personality. So who knew that this child Osman, born in a small Turkish tribe, would lay the foundation of such a state. The story of its beauty and glory will be told for centuries. Everyone agrees about Osman Ghazi that he was born in Sogut in 1258. Because this date was written about 100 years after his time. So it is understood that there has been a slight change in it.

Osman Gazi was born in the house of Ertugrul Ghazi. Who belonged to the kayi tribe of the Oguz Turks. It is written that in 1071 many Turkish tribes turned to the eastern. Anatolia due to the invasions of Mongols and Byzantines and settled there. One of them was the keyi tribe. Who joined the army of Sultan Alauddin Kaikobad and many battles were fought for it. and protected the lands of the Seljuks.

According to some traditions, kayi was on the front line of the Seljuk army. Who fought the enemy very bravely and manhad y victories for the Seljuks. After which Sultan Allauddin gave land near Ankara to Ertugrul Ghazi, the head of the kayi's. Where they settled and remained in the service of this kingdom for many years. Ertugrul Ghazi was later asked to head to northwestern Anatolia with his tribe on the Byzantine border.

Raise the flag of the Seljuk Sultan. As its chief, Ertugrul Ghazi stepped into Sogut. Historian Ibn Kemal writes that before this migration, Ertugrul Ghazi had two sons. And after turning to Sugut, his youngest son 'Osman was born here in 1288. He was described as having a lion-like body and a moon-like face. His mother's name is Halime Hatun. Once again Ibn Kamal Sahib writes about the youth of Osman Gazi.

That he soon joined the brave soldiers in his youth and gained combat skills. When his two older brothers were not so capable and skilled at that time. There is not much detail about his boyhood life. In short, he was an attractive young man with a long, round face, and brown eyes. Which was given the title of Kara. Among the Turks, this title was given to the brave people of the highest order.

Disagreements over the wives of this Osman Gazi have continued to this day. Whether he had two wives or one, this mystery has not been solved till today. Different historians have different opinions about this. Almost everyone agrees that Osman Gazi married Malhun Hatun, daughter of Omer Abdulaziz Bey at the age of 23 in 1981. Which gave birth to her first son, Orhan. Who became the head of this great empire in the days to come.

In addition, Ertugrul Ghazi died in 1281 at the age of 90. and then a great power struggle began. All historians agree. That the election of a new chief of the kayi tribe was not peaceful. Osman Bey had to fight hard to get the chieftaincy seat. They are also against their relatives. However, it is a matter of controversy as to who was the real opponent of Osman Bey in this power struggle

But most of the story is written about it. That Osman Bey's uncle Dundar was his opponent here. It is said that he may have planned to assassinate 'Osman and rebelled against it. At that time, Osman Bey and his brave soldiers were planning to attack the Byzantines. Dundar Bay said that this step of Osman Bey could endanger his entire tribe. Due to this rebellion and obstruction in the way of victory, Dundar was killed by Osman Gazi.

According to some traditions, both rivals had full power and support. and the chiefs of the tribe had even chosen Dundar as their chief. While the young and brave of the tribe were supporters of Osman Bey. It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post. But that is how it ended. That Osman Gazi shot and killed his uncle and gained leadership. The reason given was that Dundar was about to revolt against Osman Gazi and attack the brave army supporting him.

After that, Osman sat on the seat of Sardari according to the unconventional traditions. Apparently, that's how it all ended. One such aspect of it has been written in history. Due to this incident is incomplete. You may have never heard of it But it is very clearly stated and slightly different from the rest of the traditions. There are traditions about Haji Bektash Veli in the book called Velayati.

After Ertugrul Ghazi, Dundar sat on the throne and at that time Osman Bey with his warriors was attacking the areas around Belcik, Yarhissar, and Inegol Fortress. The governor of Bursa complained to Sultan Allauddin. and Sultan Aladdin summoned Osman Gazi and his soldiers. Gunduz went to Konya with Osman Gazi and his fellow soldiers. and handed over to Sultan Alaeddin. 

But on reaching there, Sultan Allauddin did not punish Osman Gazi. Rather, he praised his deeds and bravery. And he sent the matter to Haji Bektash Veli. Who was a Muslim Sufi and Sayyid. He came from Khorasan and lived in Anatolia. It is said that Haji Bektash Veli gave a very warm welcome to Osman Gazi. She was very hospitable. He even took off his turban and put it on Osman Gazi's head. 

As if Osman Gazi has been crowned here. And said that we have been waiting for a man like you for years. And then when Osman Ghazi returned to Konya from here. So Haji Baqtiyas Wali wrote a letter to Sultan Alauddin. In which he praised Osman Gazi. He asked the Sultan to support him and make Osman Gazi the head of the kayi's. Exactly the same story is mentioned in Yazicizade 's Selçukname. 

In addition, it is said that Sultan Alauddin gave some such gifts to Osman Gazi on his return. Who were proving that Osman Ghazi has been allowed to fight for independence and expand his state. The argument is that after all these incidents, Osman Gazi Qai ascended the throne and then a new era began. Osman Ghazi fought an open war against the Byzantines from about 1280 to 1300 almost 20 years. and the resulting victories gave birth to the great state of Osman Ghazi. 

Osman Ghazi's close associates during this war included. Akchakocha, Conner Alp, Samsa Cavus, Aykut Alp, Abdul Rehman Ghazi and many brave commanders of Gaza. During this long period of time, the Ahi's fully supported Osman Ghazi. Sheikh Edebali in particular is mentioned in them. Osman Ghazi also married Sheikh Edebali Daughter Bala Hatun. A dream of Osman Ghazi was also very famous during this period. According to which Osman Ghazi was resting in the house of Sheikh Edebali. And he dreamed that a moon came out of Sheikh Edebali's chest and landed in Osman Ghazi's chest.

And then out of his chest came a tree whose branches spread all over the world. This famous dream was considered a sign of a great state. What did that mean? It is written that Osman Ghazi was given the kingdom by Allah. Allah had promised them to rule over a great state. When it comes to the wars and victories of Osman Ghazi, we told you that he fought against the Byzantines for a long period of 20 years.

In which he was defeated in the battle of Armenia Bailey and here his nephew Bayhoca was martyred. The battle was fought with Nicola, the governor of Inegol and it was a time of 1283 to 1284. Then, about 1284-85, Osman Bey attacked the Byzantines with his 300 soldiers. and conquered the fort of Kuluchisar. This was the first victory of the Ottomans in which they also captured the fort.

After that the battle of Domanic was fought. The battle was not really between Osman Bey and Nikola, but was fought by the governor of Karachaisar. However, Osman won this bloody battle. But here his great loss came in the form of the martyrdom of his brother Savci Bey. After this victory, Karachaisar also came under the control of Osman Bey. After that, Osman Bey, along with his heroes, paved the way for more victories.

And then we saw successive victories. Osman Bey also conquered Yarhisar and Belcik forts at the same time. It is well known that the governors of Yarhisar and Belcik plotted to assassinate Osman Bey at the wedding of their children. The governor of Harmankaya, Koshi Mihal had informed Osman Bey about this. Who was a friend of Osman Bey. And Osman Bey sent his men into the castle disguised as women.

Governors to hell and conquer forts and then the Byzantine princess returned with Holofira. She later married Orhan Ghazi. Now Osman Bey's next target was Inegol. Which was of great importance. Only after this great war was the great empire declared. When was the Great Ottoman Empire founded? Everyone is interested in this question. And the answer often revolves around the conquest of Inegol fortress. 

This was the period when Osman Gazi, after this great victory, formally declared his separate and new glorious state. The conquest of Inegol Fortress is significant in the history of the Ottoman Empire. The third major victory after the simultaneous conquest of the Belcik and Yarhisar forts was the Inegol fortress. Meanwhile, when Osman Ghazi was thwarting the Byzantine plan. 

So he told Turgut Bey to lay siege to the Inegol fortress. Because the governor of the same fort had laid a trap for Osman Ghazi in the Belcik fort. And was part of that conspiracy. After conquering these two forts, Osman Ghazi joined Turgut Alp and together he conquered Inegol Fort. After this great victory, the fort was handed over to Turgut Alp. When the great empire of Osman Ghazi was announced, everyone's attention is on this side. The Seljuk Empire which was the most powerful state of the Turks. 

With this, the establishment of a new Turkish state was astonishing. But in the days when the sun of the Ottoman state was rising. The sun of the Seljuk Empire was setting. This great Islamic state was counting its last days. By this time the Seljuk state had been overrun by the Mongols. All decisions of the throne were in his hands. Sometimes he would give the throne to one sultan and sometimes to another.

In fact, they wanted to make such a person a sultan. Whose hands are puppets. Mongol Khan Mahmud Ghazan who was a Muslim. He came and installed Sultan Masood on the Seljuk throne. Who was the last sultan of this state. Sultan Masood's reign was four to six years. Because sometimes he sat on the throne and sometimes he was taken down. After his death, the name of the Seljuk Empire did not remain. 

Because then everything went under the control of the Mongols. But all the Turkish tribes came from Osman Ghazi. Which was laying the foundation of a great state at that time. In some places it is written that after the death of Sultan Masood no heir survived. So all the Turkish chiefs together made Osman Bey the Sultan. But it is clear that he had established a separate state. 

Its independence was announced in the days when the Seljuk state came to an end. As soon as he took over the reins of the state, Osman Gazi first consolidated his control over all the forts which he had conquered. And sent this message to all the Byzantine regions and forts around Anatolia. Either he accepts the religion of Islam. Recognize the sovereignty of the Ottomans and pay them annual taxes. 

Or fight After that many governors converted to Islam. Among them was Koshi Mihal, a friend of Osman Ghazi. Who was the governor of Harmankaya Fort. And became the first major ally of the Turks among the Byzantines. Koshi Mihal contributed to the great achievements of this great state. And his descendants are also known as Mihal Olu in the history of the Ottoman Empire. 

After the conversion of a few governors to Islam, the big and dangerous governors continued their loyalty to the emperor. After which Osman Ghazi declared war on them and started besieging the area around Bursa and Naqia. Even small towns and villages faced famine-like conditions. These conditions infuriated the governor of Bursa and the Byzantines.

And they began to come together to undermine Osman Bey's growing Islamic power. Then a great war was about to break out. Which is recorded in the pages of history. It's called the Battle of Bapheus. This was the period of 1302 And in the days of spring this commotion began. The Battle of Bapheus, also known as the Battle of Koyunhisar. For the first time, the Byzantine Empire and the Ottoman Empire came to the fore.

The Battle of Koyunhisar was the first military confrontation between the Byzantine Empire and the Ottoman Empire. In which Osman Ghazi was declared the winner. According to Turkish historian Halil Ibrahim, the Ottoman Empire was formally declared after the war. However, according to most traditions, the Ottoman state had flourished at that time. Explain a little bit about this war. 

It included governors of large Byzantine territories, including Bursa, and even Michael, the eldest son of Emperor Andronikos. But Osman Ghazi's mighty army inflicted a crushing defeat on him at Bapheus. But the Byzantines did not suffer heavy casualties here. Because they had fled the field. It is also written that Osman Ghazi's nephew Aydogdu Bey was martyred in this battle. But there is some contradiction. 

Because according to some important events, Aydogdu Bey was martyred in the battle of Dembus. But he was buried in Kohnisar. That is why this difference can be seen. This great war shook the Byzantines. Emperor Andronikos then sought to unite with the Mongols and then with the Assassins. He offered unity to Alkhani Khan Ghazan Khan. But in those days Ghazan Khan was entangled with the Mamluk Empire. 

And then he died. After which this alliance could not take place. But then the emperor, confused and looking for another way, asked the assassins for help. Headed by Roger de Flor. Andorinikos even got his daughter married to Roger de Flor. He caused quite a stir in Anatolia and defeated the great Turkish tribes. Among them, Karamaullar was at the top. He did not face the Ottomans formally. But it had a profound effect on the Ottoman conquest. Well, he's going to meet Michael. And was killed in 1305 under a conspiracy. 

The resumption of Ottoman invasions and conquests began in 1308. Koshi Mihal who was the governor of Harmankaya. He helped Osman Ghazi in his conquests. And began to participate in major wars. Osman Gazi's target was Bursa after the great conquests around him. But when did he know that this would be his ultimate goal? He built small forts around Bursa. And the siege of Bursa began. 

One of them is said to have been handed over to his nephew Aktemur Bey. The siege lasted four to six years. Because the Ottomans did not have much resources at that time. But during this period Osman Ghazi and his fellow Ghazis achieved considerable victories around. He converted some governors to Islam. And waved his flag over some areas. Soon Osman Ghazi fell ill. And contracted arthritis Due to which he could not participate in the siege of Bursa after that. He then handed over the responsibility of this great siege to his successor Orhan Ghazi. Orhan Ghazi also continued this siege 

And conquered the surrounding areas and forts. So that Bursa is left alone. The last conquered fortress was Atranos. Which is now called Orhanli. There is no information about it now. That Osman Ghazi died after the conquest of Bursa or earlier. According to some incidents, he had heard the news of Bursa's victory at the last moment. Orhan Ghazi came immediately after this great victory. So that Osman Ghazi could be informed about this big news. And a few moments later, Osman Ghazi passed away. It is written like this. However, there is strong disagreement over the death of Osman Ghazi. 

It don't even know that Osman Gazi ruled in his own life handed over to Orhan Gazi. Or later he got this position. But there is no disagreement that Osman Ghazi had been appointed Orhan Gazi as his successors. Osman Ghazi had said in his last will and testament to Orhan Ghazi. To be buried under a silver dome in Bursa. He said this while advising Orhan Ghazi. If you are told something that Allah Almighty has not commanded, do not accept it. If you do not know, then turn to the knowledgeable. 

Pleasing those who obey you. And always be kind to your soldiers. There is no consensus on the date of death of Osman Ghazi. According to some traditions, he died around 1323 or 24. Historian Ruhi Celebi written, he died in 1320. He is said to have died in Sogut. According to some reports, the last time he was in Bursa. But most historians agree that he was blessed with the right to mercy. And Orhan Ghazi brought the news of Bursa's victory. Orhan Ghazi then asked to transfer his body to Bursa and Osman Ghazi's will was carried out. 

The shrine of Osman Ghazi is in Tophane area of ​​Bursa. Earlier, during the reign of Sultan Abdul Aziz, his shrine was damaged by an earthquake. And then it was rebuilt. Sultan Abdul Hameed visited the place where Osman Ghazi was buried for a short time. A shrine was also built there. The first coin in the name of Osman Ghazi was issued in 1300 in Sogut. And then in the city of Yenisehir in 1301. 

Osman Ghazi's two wives were Bala Hatun and Malhun Hatun. He had six sons and one daughter from Malhun Hatun. Bala Hatun had one son Aladdin Pasha. Osman Ghazi had a very sophisticated personality. And his style was quite mystical. Please tell us in the comments how you like the historical story of the great Osman Gazi. Also tell us what historical character you want to know about. Share the article. See You Soon!

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