Mavera Episode 1 Urdu Subtitles
Mavera Series In Urdu Subtitles By Sajan play
Mavera Series In Urdu Subtitles By Makkitv
Mavera Series In Urdu Subtitles By Sajan play According to the last plan I gave you,
which car would stop on explosives. President Pasha’s car. Now
Khairuddin Pasha, you are
saying that Ibrahim Pasha planned to kill.but he canceled the visit due to security
arrangements and now we see that the target was his car. I’m sorry,
Sultan Min! Is Ibrahim
Pasha the target of this conspiracy? But the maps came out of
Ibrahim Pasha’s house. How
could it be? Go to this house first. Find out what happened in
Ibrahim Pasha’s house and come
to me immediately.
Watch Urdu Subtitles By Sajan play
What did you do? First planned to kill Doria and Sultan? Then
canceled the tour himself and imprisoned Doria? It’s hard to stay safe
amidst so many tricks. Now listen carefully.
Mavera Season 1 In Urdu Subtitles By Sajanplay
And they do everything they can to avoid this trap. And don’t know that they too are a trap designed for others.
The lord of the greatest power is the truth. who do not deviate from justice. But don’t think these are the winners. Adil doesn’t always prevail. If you want to rule the winds of politics , then the wind has to be commanded. Some become victims. And some hunt themselves. Some see everything with their big eyes.
But they don’t know whether what is visible is real or not.
Timur drank a cup of blood. Why? In this war where he was sure to lose some of his soldiers. He wanted to spread terror in the hearts of his enemies. Timur’s stomach deteriorates after some time due to the blood consumed. Timur vomits blood from his mouth in front of everyone. Enemies think, Timur is dead. But shortly afterwards, Timur gets back on his horse. While the enemy thinks that he has retreated