Mavera Episode 1 Urdu Subtitles


Mavera Series In Urdu Subtitles By Sajan play

Mavera Series In Urdu Subtitles By Makkitv

Mavera Series In Urdu Subtitles By  Sajan play According to the last plan I gave you,
which car would stop on explosives. ‎President Pasha’s car. Now Khairuddin Pasha, you are 

saying that Ibrahim  Pasha planned to kill.but he canceled the visit due to security 

arrangements‎ and now we see that the target was his car. ‎I’m sorry, Sultan Min! ‎Is Ibrahim 

Pasha the target of this conspiracy? ‎But the maps came out of Ibrahim Pasha’s house. ‎How 

could it be? ‎Go to this house first. ‎Find out what happened in Ibrahim Pasha’s house and come 

to me immediately. 

Watch  Urdu Subtitles By Sajan play

What did you do? ‎First planned to kill Doria and Sultan? ‎Then canceled the tour himself and imprisoned Doria? It’s hard to stay safe amidst so many tricks. ‎Now listen carefully.

Mavera Season 1 In Urdu Subtitles By Sajanplay

And they do everything they can to avoid this trap. ‎And don’t know that they too are a trap designed for others

‎The lord of the greatest power is the truth. ‎who do not deviate from justice. ‎But don’t think these are the winners. ‎Adil doesn’t always prevail.  ‎If you want to rule the winds of politics‎ ‎, then the wind has to be commanded. ‎Some become victims. ‎And some hunt themselves. ‎Some see everything with their big eyes. ‎

But they don’t know whether what is visible is real or not.

  • Timur drank a cup of blood. ‎Why? ‎In this war where he was sure to lose some of his soldiers. ‎He wanted to spread terror in the hearts of his enemies. ‎Timur’s stomach deteriorates after some time due to the blood consumed. ‎Timur vomits blood from his mouth in front of everyone. ‎Enemies think, Timur is dead. ‎But shortly afterwards, Timur gets back on his horse. ‎While the enemy thinks that he has retreated

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Mavera Episode 1 With Urdu Subtitles

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